Go for Gold in the Relay Race of Marketing

Winning a relay race requires an entire team working in unison. Every leg of the race requires peak performance. When it comes to your digital marketing, do you have a well-rounded strategy to go for gold?

From the starting blocks of your website to the middle legs of your SEO and social media, you’ll need strong contributions to get on the path to victory. In the final leg, digital advertising brings your online marketing across the finish line. Kaleidoscope helps you build a winning team to finish ahead of the competition!

Start Strong with Leading-Edge Orthodontic Website Design

Getting out of the starting blocks with your online presence requires a high-performing website. It’s not all about user experience – most of your website’s value and ranking potential lies “under the hood” with the technical framework and optimization.

Your website needs to look good and load fast. Google evaluates load times as a ranking signal, specifically on the mobile version of your site. Having a professional website that runs great on smartphones is a must. If your site is slow or outdated, your competitors will leave you in the dust.

Check out some of Kaleidoscope’s latest orthodontic website designs!

SEO and Social Media Play a Critical Role

You can have the most beautiful orthodontic website in the world, but if you’re missing search engine optimization then nobody will be able to find it. It’s like running a race barefoot!

Quality orthodontic SEO requires thoughtful architecture, intentional navigation, authoritative content, and much more. Don’t forget your keywords and links. Kaleidoscope helps orthodontic practices up their game when it comes to marrying the art of design with the science of SEO.

Once your website and SEO have laid the foundation for success, you must fill in the other gaps in your marketing. A well-rounded social media presence is crucial for any local business. To become a champion orthodontic practice, you’ve got to engage your prospective patients on the digital channels where they spend the most time: social media!

The best orthodontic social media presence will combine expertise with entertainment. While presenting yourself as a subject matter expert is important, you must also keep people’s attention. This means creating authentic content featuring your doctors, staff, and patients. When you combine treatment expertise with a fun and welcoming office environment, prospective patients will be lined up at your door.

Learn more about orthodontic social media marketing!

Bring Your Digital Marketing Across the Finish Line with Online Advertising

Now that your website, SEO, and social media have played their part, it’s time to finish strong. An orthodontic digital advertising campaign on Google, Facebook, or Instagram will cast a wide net to prospective patients in your local area. Capture more attention and eyeballs with a targeted ad campaign that attracts new patient prospects.

Not all Internet advertising is created equal. You’ll need the right tracking and optimization to maximize your marketing ROI. If you don’t set up your ads correctly, they will struggle to provide the new patients you need. And if your tracking isn’t on point, you won’t be able to determine what’s working and what isn’t.

At Kaleidoscope Digital Marketing, we understand the importance of staying on top of your digital game. Do you need help with your online presence? We specialize in website design, SEO, social media, and digital advertising for orthodontic and dental practices. Get in touch with us today for a free consultation!